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Communicating myopia management across the practice team

Ailsa Lane discusses how to adapt communication about myopia management with patients, parents/guardians, and practice colleagues...

OCT masterclass 2: Understanding the data

In the second part of our series on OCT, Jason Higginbotham looks at the differing types of scans and the data we derive from them...

BCLA CLEAR Presbyopia 3: Management with spectacles

Alex Webster provides an overview of the spectacle management options for presbyopia. The third article in a series that encapsulates the conclusions relevant to practice from the BCLA CLEAR Presbyopi...

Demodex and the anterior eye

Dr Nikhil Sharma summarises the latest evidence on Demodex...

Seeing eye to eye: Understanding public knowledge and interest in myopia

Dr Manbir Nagra considers the topic of misinformation in myopia and how to improve communication with parents and patients...

Improving practice communication 7: Health and safety in optical practice

Health and safety regulations are not just guidelines but essential requirements for all optical registrants, Fiona Anderson discusses compliance and safety measures that apply to optical practice...

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